Cystic Fibrosis - Causes|Symptoms|Treatment

Cystic fibrosis

There are a number of diseases out there, some are known while some are still strange to humans. Some of them could be cured, while some still don’t have any curement. 

What is Cystic Fibrosis? 

Cystic fibrosis is a type of genetic autosomal recessive disorder, which passes on to children from their parents or ancestors. The disease is a type of wild illness, tough to manage. 

The disease affects respiratory and digestive tracts at large scale and results in their spoilage with increase in age. With the development of science and medical, a patient suffering from cystic fibrosis can survive for 42-50 years on an average. 

How does CYSTIC FIBROSIS is caused? 

The disease Cystic fibrosis is caused due to the defect in a particular gene called as Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator gene or CFTR gene

This gene is present in human genome in order to control the movement of water and salt from inside to outside and outside to inside in the cells of body. 

It in result, affects the cells which produce sweat, mucus and digestive enzymes. 

In normal human these fluids are thin and their work is to lubricate the cells, ducts and tubes or vessels. While in patients suffering from Cystic fibrosis, these fluids are thick and sticky and their over production clogs and blocks the ducts, passages and tubes. 

Which organs affected the most in CYSTIC FIBROSIS? 

The blockage due to mucus, takes place in most of parts of different tracts. The most affected organs of human body are:

  • Lungs. 
  • Liver. 
  • Kidney. 
  • Intestine. 
  • Pancreas. 

The most severe suffering is for respiratory and digestive tract which results in malnutrition and severe several infections. 

What are symptoms of CYSTIC FIBROSIS? 

The most major symptoms of Cystic fibrosis are:

  • Frequent lungs infection. 
  • Sinus infection from early age. 
  • Infertility in males. 
  • Swelling in abdomen. 
  • Loss of appetite. 
  • Foul-smelling fatty stools. 
  • Constipation. 
  • Nausea. 
  • Digestive problems. 
  • Shortness of breathe. 
  • Clubbing of fingers and toes. 
  • Excess salt secretion in sweat. 
  • Sticky mucus with persistent secretion. 
  • Poor weight gain. 
  • Poor body growth. 

There may be other symptoms too as variations in degree of symptoms occur with varying human body. 

How can CYSTIC FIBROSIS be diagnosed? 

There are a number of methods to diagnose the chronic disease of Cystic fibrosis. Some of them are:

Sweat test 

This test is done because if the person is a sufferer than he would have an elevated concentration of chlorine in his sweat. 

DNA testing

The gene testing or DNA testing detects the CFTR gene defect in human genome. 

Chest X-Ray

The X-Ray of chest makes one clear about the amount of infection or mucus clogging spread in the lungs. 

CT scan

The full body scan tells about the extent of infection in different organs or parts of the body. 

Prenatal check-up

The prenatal check up is done before or during pregnancy in order to know the probability of passing of the disease in the child. 

Apart from above testing and check-ups one should prefer to go for them at the early stages of the disease, so that the consequences could be faced with less damage to the body. 

What is the treatment for CYSTIC FIBROSIS? 

No, cure for the disease is known till date. While some alternatives could be given to decrease the suffering. Major of them are:


The antibiotics are prescribed by physicians for lessening the lung infection, as without them the condition could worsen up. 

Antibiotics have several side effects too as continuous intake could result in kidney failure or problem in inner ear. Therefore, their quantity in blood has to be monitored on routine basis. 

Pancreatic Enzymes Replacement 

The replacement of digestive enzymes or the pancreatic enzymes is necessary to be done starting from a young age. As the disease effects digestive tract at large scale which spoils the enzymes and children suffer from several severe digestive problems. 

Chest Physiotherapy 

Another major alternative, this is the indirect removal of mucus from the breathing passage so as to clear up the tract in those facing breathing problems or shortness of breathe. The therapy has short-term benefits. 

Vitamin Supplements 

The medication of fat-soluble vitamin supplements should be preferred for children who are suffering from the disease. So as to improve their growth. 

Lung Transplantation

The organ or lung transplant is another alternative as it may favor the patient in one way or the other and increase the desire to live. 

What are the precautions for the patient of CYSTIC FIBROSIS? 

There could be various precautions for sufferers which could give them energy to fight against rhe disease. Some of them are:

  • A diet consisting of high calories per day with fibres and salt. 
  • Stay hydrated with plenty of fluids so as to eliminate mucus from clogging the tract. 
  • Avoid smoke, or pollen intake. 
  • Prefer to have the vaccination for influenza and pneumonia infections regularly. 
  • Exercise regularly to increase lungs life. 
  • Avoid stress as much as one could. 

The most important precaution is to live happy and fruit full life instead of just demotivating oneself of having disease. 

As everyone is not lucky to have a life. 

Be Healthy. Be Alive

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