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Showing posts from October, 2020

3 Healthy Diet tips for Weight loss

  3 Swaps for Healthy Diet and Weight loss. if came across with any of our past nutrition post about Fasting or even attempted to doubt on own then probably aware of the notion that at the end of the day for Weight loss, it's all about calories IN versus calories OUT as long as one is eating at a calorie deficit and ideally having enough protein as well then successfully going to lose weight and strip off regardless of what and when to eat. If one wants to truly lose fat as efficiently and as quickly as possible then all needed is to go beyond just calories and instead pay a close attention to the types of foods that add-up the calories in ongoing diet every day and also how it gets adjusted with other stuff because that's what makes a little difference. In this blog post there are three swaps that one should include in their diet that accounts for those variables and can enable to get rid of obesity and then a concluding sample meal plan to enhance the diet with nut

Fasting: Types, Benefits, Intermittent Fasting, Juice Fasting

  Fasting: Types, Benefits, Intermittent Fasting, Juice Fasting Fasting: An Abstinence Fasting or Food abstinence isn’t exactly a new idea; in fact it’s being practiced since thousands of years as a method of inducing spiritual enlightenment as well as encouraging and assisting physical ailment. Although fasting is still practiced as today’s faiths, in one form or another, it is also experienced something of a renaissance and has become very popular amongst individuals who want to lose weight prefer to go for a less severe form called – intermittent fasting. Types of Fasts Fasting has a number of purposes. One of them is religious that is believed to bring the subject closer to God through the power of prayer and abstain from food, another purpose is for them who don’t seem to be religious are taking up fasting for a variety of reasons like : for weight loss, in order to detoxify body etc. Detoxification fasting is also in vogue amongst the health conscious. Majority tries to a

8 Harmful Effects of Cow Milk

EIGHT HEALTH ISSUES OF COW MILK   Milk: A silent hammer The most nutritious fluid humans taking through ages in their daily diet for best development and growth of social, physical and mental well being. Roots of Milk lay in the Neolithic age when early humans started to consume milk of other mammals domesticated by them. It is the production of mammary glands in mammals, on which the infants depend for their primary source of nutrition till it is able to digest other foods. Basically the human child in today’s’ phase is completely dependent on milk of other mammals like cow or buffalo for its growth. A human infant consumes mother milk for approximately 6 months and then cow’s milk is introduced to it for further development. Do the nutrition adapted by child through cow’s milk is healthy for them? The answer is NO . The cow’s milk or milk from any other mammals is neither fit for the child nor for the grown-ups. There are several reasons behind but the most basic commonsense

7 Skin secrets everyone should knows about.

  Seven tips for a Healthy skin. In today's time, everyone needs flawless skin, Every time we had a question in our mind " How to get healthy glowing skin " We try every new face wash, sunscreen, anti-ageing cream that hits the market.

Reasons why you love Chocolate?

Chocolate: An Ambrosial Dessert The sweetness comes itself with mouth watering images of  creamy, dark-brown milky Chocolates  in mind. The cherishing dessert is prepared from the roasted and ground  cocoa seeds   in three forms that are cocoa solids, butter and liquid. The most favorite food of all age groups has a vast procedure before it reaches us in the form of delicious bars. These seeds of cocoa tree are intensely bitter in taste. Therefore, they are fermented in order to develop the desired flavor. Afterwards they are dried, cleaned and then roasted and finally are molted in the form of liquid, paste, blocks or bars that we purchase.         Mainly originated from America, and now widely spread in the West African countries and in the whole world as well. Prepared through ages, it was served as liquid in the initial period of origination and was called as  liquor . In today’s lifestyle it is used in different fields like particularly in desserts, cakes, pudding,