7 Skin secrets everyone should knows about.


Seven tips for a Healthy skin.

7 skin secret to know about

In today's time, everyone needs flawless skin, Every time we had a question in our mind "How to get healthy glowing skin " We try every new face wash, sunscreen, anti-ageing cream that hits the market.

Healthy glowing skin isn’t necessarily a product of using expensive skincare products or a work of art created by makeup. Getting your face glow tips on is fairly simple, you just need to know what’s right for your skin and make sure you’re taking care of your skin in all ways possible!

You know the basics - drink lots of water, give proper care and wash your face, but what is everything in between?


The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act defines cosmetics as products that purify or beautify (for example, shampoos and lipsticks). A separate category exists for drugs that aim to diagnose, treat, prevent, or affect body composition or function (eg, Sunscreen and Acne creams), although some products, such as moisturizers. Sunscreen and anti-dandruff shampoos are regulated within both categories.

Today I will tell you 7 skin care tips, which will make your skin looks more Radiant and Spotless.

But first of all, take some time to identify your skin type:

·         Normal skin is clear and not sensitive.

·         Dry skin is flaky, itchy or rough.

·         Oily skin is shiny and greasy.

·         Sensitive skin restricted to some beauty products may sting or burn after application.

"The more you understand about your skin, the more you will be able to take care of it."

1. Moisturize your skin daily:


The best times to moisturize are right after you get out of the shower and right before you go to bed,Use the good Moisturizer

if you wake up with dry skin, change your bedtime routine, not the morning one. It’s easier to head off dryness at night than to reverse it the next day.


2. Choose Right product for your Skin type:

Skin care

Layering on multiple skincare products all at once is a big no.

Dermatologist states that it can be harsh on the skin, resulting in more breakouts and clogged pores.

Instead of this, Use products that suits your skin and your skin type.



3. Get a Coat of Sunscreen daily: 

Sunscreen protects your skin against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, which cause sunburn, skin cancer, and premature skin aging, like wrinkles and age spots.

I will suggest to use broad-spectrum sunscreen containing SPF-30 and water-resistant sunscreen.

4. Use face mask for vitalize your skin: 

peel off mask

Most Sheet masks contain moisturizing Hyaluronic acid and Ceramides, which help restore the skin's barrier, and Antioxidants, which defend against free radicals. They tend to be deeply hydrating and are great for dry and inflamed skin.

5. Give vegetable and fruit juice shots to your skin:  


Drink fruit and vegetables juices in the morning following your daily routine.

They contains essential Vitamins and Minerals which is good for flawless and Blemish free skin,

·         Beetroot juice: contains vitamins A, C, K, folic acid, magnesium, copper, and zinc and has anti-inflammatory properties.

·         Carrot juice: Antioxidants in carrot fight against the free radicals in the body, slowing the process of ageing. It wards off acne, pimples, pigmentation and sun damage.

·         Cucumber juice: Rich water content which keeps your skin hydrated and nourished, as well as flush out toxins from your body. The silica in it adds a glow to your skin and enhances your natural complexion.

·         Pomegranate juice: Rich in Vitamins C and K, pomegranate juice helps renew cells of the skin The omega 3 fatty acids and punicic acid in it can help retain the moisture in your skin.

6. Exfoliate your skin, once in a week:


There are a couple of ways to physically Exfoliate. The first involves using a skin care tool, such as a sponge, towel or brush, on your skin to displace and remove dead skin cells. The other method involves using a liquid, gel or Scrub with granules like micro-beads or sugar to smooth and refine the skin.

7. Relax your skin with proper Sleep: 

good sleep

When you get a good night’s sleep, you wake up refreshed and your skin glows naturally from within. Sleeping for 7-9 hours is vital for healthy skin. When you don’t sleep enough, cortisol, the stress hormone is released in your body. This may cause inflammation, leading to an increase in skin conditions like acne or psoriasis.

I hope these beauty tips for glowing skin help to make your skin Flawless, Blemish free, Spotless and Hydrated.

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You can also checkout some skin care products from here

Skin-care and beauty



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