10+ Ayurvedic Remedies To Treat Cancer

Cancer : A Savage Sickness

Ever wondered that how a cell of any human body becomes harmful for the same body? Yes, a disease which was hard to be believed on in past but is a very common one in today’s era. And also no curement or permanent medicine exists for it called as Cancer. Only treatment is get chemo time to time till the body has efficiency to practice it easily and to consume heavy doses of drugs prescribed.

What Causes Cancer?

The most common question is in research till now. Does our ancestors too ever suffered from such disease. If yes, then why doesn’t it has some cure till date and if the answer is no, then the new query arises in mind that why today’s generation is facing this particular health problem which has a variety of forms to make human body uncomfortable.

Do age, race, sex, smoking, and environment cause certain types of cancer? There are over 100 different types of cancers caused due to different reasons and all types spread in body with the abnormal cell growth and invade other parts and organs too.

When cancer cells grow at an abnormal speed, the body becomes weak, good cells got depleted; immune system and oxygen supply becomes comparatively less. It only makes the body more vulnerable to virus and infections. The following list provides the possibility of what causes cancer.

1.       Age

There is not enough evidence to support what causes cancer in age group. Older people may have higher risk of getting cancer, but it is only hypothesis that their cells are less vibrant due to less immunity than younger people and more vulnerable to the disease.

2.       Smoking

Big reason for cancer. Yes smoking is injurious to health, the packaging of cigarette itself tells but it seems like the consumer is blindfolded every time. Smoking can cause cancer in any part of the body or organ it could be any part of alimentary canal, or the liver or trachea, bronchus, kidney etc. 

3.       Environment

It matters the area where one lives in mainly when it is polluted with toxic substances. Several pesticides and fertilizers can cause abnormal cells o grow and multiply which initiates the disease. Such environment is most harmful for children as they might get faster than adults.

4.       Ionizing radiations

The prolonged exposure of human body to certain gases, radiations or to ultra violet rays causes cancer. The skin cancer is caused due to those radiations. Yes, sun rays are good for health as they provide vitamin-D, but only in considerate amount that is 15-20 minutes exposure is enough for vitamin-D consumption. Also, such consumption should be done in the time period when the rays are not directly interacted with skin.

5.       Genetics

Genes are also sometimes responsible for cause of cancer. With time the genes in a particular hereditary mutate and could result in the growth of several carcinogens. Thus, this cancer is genetic cancer.

6.       Infections

Infections caused by other organisms like virus or bacteria can cause certain types of cancer like; viral and bacterial infections cause liver cancer while the Human papilloma virus causes cervical cancer.  

7.       Hormones

Hormonal changes also result in formation of cancerous cells. Certain rise in the levels of formation of estrogen hormone in females is linked to uterine cancer.

 Types of Cancer :

There are nearly as many types as there are parts in the human body. Cancer is not just a single disease, but rather a class of diseases in which the common denominator is abnormal cell growth. It can start from any where. Cancer can start in a variety of places. For example, there is bone cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, esophageal cancer, and thyroid cancer are just to name a few.

·         Carcinoma: It is skin or tissue cancer.

·         Sarcoma: Cancer in connective tissues like bones or muscles.

·         Leukemia: Cancer of bone marrow or also called as blood cancer.

·         Lymphoma or myeloma: Cancer of immune system.

 Each of these cancers affects a different area of the body and some will require a different treatment plan than others. While the body part affected and the subsequent treatment plan might be different, cancer patient often experience the same questions, the same emotions, and the same challenges. But basically their sufferings and diseases differ. As it is so finely said “one who suffers knows better.”

 All cancer patients, regardless of where their cancer starts, fear the spread of their cancer. Certain cancers are more prone to spread to other parts of the body or metastasize. This can make treatment all the more difficult. However, no matter the type of cancer, when a cancer spreads beyond its original starting point its name does not change. For example breast cancer that spreads to the surrounding tissue or bones is still called breast cancer, even though it now appears elsewhere in the body.

Cancer.gov provides list of common cancer types with the most frequency in the United States except non-melanoma skin cancers. For more information, please click on the link. The list is topped with prostate cancer found most commonly.

Stages of Cancer :

The stage of cancer describes the extent of how much cancer has spread throughout the body or severity of a person’s cancer. Cancer is divided into four categories: stage 0, stage I, stage II, stage III, and stage IV.

Knowing the stage of disease helps the doctor plan treatment and estimates the person’s prognosis. Staging systems for cancer have evolved over time and continue to change as scientists learn more about the disease.

The most general TNM staging system is based on the extent of the tumor (T), whether cancer cells have spread to nearby (regional) lymph nodes (N), and whether distant (to other parts of the body) metastasis (M) has occurred.

·         Stage 0 : 

     No cancer at all but certain abnormal cells exists in body which have the potential to become carcinogens or cancer cells. At this first stage, the disease is highly curable.

·         Stage I : 

      The cluster of cancerous cells of cancer is small and is fixed in one area of any part of human body. This is also called as early stage. At this stage, it could be cured by removal of entire tumor from the particular body part.

·         Stage II : 

      Here at this stage cancer is larger and is spreaded to the nearby tissues or lymph nodes.

·         Stage III : 

      The cancerous cells are at the more advanced for regional spread then that at stage II.

At II and III stage the disease in slightly curable and posses more chances of returning back or regrew with time.

·         Stage IV : 

      Most drastic or dangerous stage as the extent of spread could have reached to the other body parts. This stage is also called as advanced or metastatic stage with very less chances of curing due to formation of secondary cancer or metastases.

 Physical exams, imaging procedures, laboratory tests, pathology reports, and surgical reports provide information to determine the stage of the cancer.

Common treatment for the disease :

For the common treatment of cancer there are several therapies proven to be working in many of the cases. Several therapies are:

  •          Surgical removal of cancerous cells or tumor as much as possible most probably in the early stages of cancer.

  •          Chemotherapy: Most common among all and is practiced generally. This kills the rapidly dividing cells.

  •          Radiation therapy: Externally certain beams of radiation are focused on the affected part to kill the cancer cells.

  •          Immunotherapy: Cancerous cells are killed by providing the antibody to strengthen then immune system to fight against cancer.

  •          Hormone therapy: This works by blocking the secretion of several hormones that work as a fuel for cancer cells to grow or multiply. 

All the above treatments or therapies have many side effects too on human body. A patient suffering from cancer has to fight a lot from the disease as well as the society too. Apart from all treatments or medicines provided the most important thing necessary for a patient to get well soon is the internal strength and support. The will power to live is the best medicine to overcome any disease at any stage.


13 Ayurvedic remedies to treat cancer

The ayurveda is the only branch which can treat as well as protect the human from other disease too. The medicines provided in this type are easily available and give results without side effects when consumed in right amount. The spices in kitchen, the herbs in garden or from the most useless plant could become useful due to its medicinal value.


1.    Basil. 

     Commonly called as tulsi in Indian origin possess anti-cancer properties. The basil leaves has the ability to inhibit an enzyme called COX-2 that stimulates an inflammatory response in body that triggers cancerous activities. The plant provides protection from cancer types like skin, lung, liver, oral etc.

2.     Mint. 

      It is used generally in anti-cancer drugs sold at allopathic pharmacies due to the presence of a compound called L-Menthol. Mint acts as a protective agent against carcinogens of skin and lung cancer.

3.       Oregano. 

      This word in mostly heard in spices mainly used to flavor out dishes like pizza, but inspite of flavoring the oregano is counted as a treatment for prostate cancer. Since the substance has high antioxidant properties thus it promotes slowing down of cancer growth and apoptosis that is death of cell or the cancerous cells.

4.       Parsley.

      The natural chemical Apigenin found in parsley helps in decreasing the tumor size in breast cancer mainly with the quality of fighting with carcinogens easily.

5.       Rosemary. 

      It is a fragrant herb used for its medicinal value too. Rosemary inhibits proliferation activities, migration and formation of colony of colon cancer cells.

6.       Sage. 

      The substance has several health benefits as it contains chlorogenic acid, rosemarinic acid and caffeic acid. With these all components it lowers the risk of cancer and inhibits invasion of tumor cells.

7.       Amla.

      It is an ayurvedic food highly rich in vitamin-C and several components which makes it the king of rejuvenation. Amla has the ability to kill and prevent growth of cancerous cells.

8.       Garlic. 

      The consumption of garlic reduces the risk of cancer as it is rich in sulphur and flavonoids. It is also called as anti-bacterial agent thus can stop the formation and activation of cancer causing agents in human body. 

9.       Turmeric.

      It is known for its anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-cancer properties. The principle component found in turmeric is curcumin, which has the potency to stop growth of carcinogens.

10     Ashwagandha.

      It is also called as Indian Ginseng. Ashwagandha helps the body to deal with stress. As stress is the emotion a patient gains if suffering from this type of dangerous disease. The leaves of this plant are able to kill the cancerous cells.

11        Giloy. 

      The plant is in news in the Covid phase a lot. It has the anti-neoplastic and anti-cancer properties. Giloy is also called as immunomodulatory herb as its stem’s juice and powder of the twine is used for many types of cancer and for the treatment of other diseases as well.

12       Deodar.

      It has many medicinal properties. Each part of deodar plant like wood, bark, stem, leaves have the properties of anti-inflammation, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer too. Used in drugs as a constituent prescribed for a cancer patient.

13      Wheat grass. 

      The chlorophyll content of this herb has the ability to bind with the chemicals or the substances that could cause cancer and modify the normal cells to cancerous cells. Thus, by binding with them it reduces the risk of spread and also the amount cancer cells already formed.

Preventions against cancer

Yes, the most famous quote says, “PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.”

Every disease has some or the other treatment but why to fight or to suffer, if the prevention is known then why to welcome the dangerous cells to grow in own body.

Preventions against cancer are:

·         Stop the consumption of tobacco, cigarette, or alcohol.

·         Avoid intake of drugs or mediation without prescription.

·         Do exercise yoga and meditation daily for at least 30-40 minutes.

·         Eat healthy and balanced diet with plant based food and cereal.

·         Avoid junk as much as possible.

·         Protected from sun.

·         Limit on non-vegetarian foods.

·         Spend happy times with family and friends. 

Everything in this world is not constant. But the life humans got is a gift; kindly don’t spend it merely by letting it fly with smoke.

         Stay healthy. Stay lively.

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