8 Harmful Effects of Cow Milk


 Milk: A silent hammer

The most nutritious fluid humans taking through ages in their daily diet for best development and growth of social, physical and mental well being. Roots of Milk lay in the Neolithic age when early humans started to consume milk of other mammals domesticated by them. It is the production of mammary glands in mammals, on which the infants depend for their primary source of nutrition till it is able to digest other foods.

Basically the human child in today’s’ phase is completely dependent on milk of other mammals like cow or buffalo for its growth. A human infant consumes mother milk for approximately 6 months and then cow’s milk is introduced to it for further development.

Do the nutrition adapted by child through cow’s milk is healthy for them?

The answer is NO. The cow’s milk or milk from any other mammals is neither fit for the child nor for the grown-ups. There are several reasons behind but the most basic commonsense one should look upon is:

8 side effects of cow milkThe type of milk produced by the cow is for the fulfillment of its calf’s nutrition, and the type of milk produced in human body is for human child’s nutrition. The body of a calf gains double of its weight within 40 days by having the cow’s milk. On the contrary a human child takes around 180 days to do the same. The calves need to grow quickly, hence requires more protein than fat. While human child needs to develop brain and nerves faster then the physical growth, hence requires more fats than proteins. The amino acid Leucine linked with growth is 3.3% in milk of a cow whereas human milk has 0.9% of it. Also the protein type Casein is harder to digest for humans, which have a ratio to whey proteins 40:60 while in cow milk it is 80:20. Since cows have 4 stomachs to digest it easily compared to 1 stomach of humans. Leaving humans no other species drink milk beyond their natural age of weaning or of another species.

8 Health issues caused due to cow’s milk:

  • ·       Decreases level of calcium in body:8 side effects of cow milk It is believed that drinking milk increases calcium levels while cow milk robs the calcium content from human bones in order to get it digested.

  • ·       Increases fracture rates: Due to lack of calcium the fracture rates increases resulting in weak bones.

  • Harmful Improper dairy products: Various dairy products derived from cow milk like cheese are rich in saturated fats, sodium and cholesterol contents. This richness in human body increases obesity, joint problems etc.

  •  Sugar content: High amount of lactose sugar present in cow milk is difficult to digest leading to nausea, cramps, gas, bloating and diarrhea.

  • Skin problems: Many skin problems emerge due to regular intake of cow milk like acne, pimples, oily skin, and patches.

  •  The nutrients and various kinds of acids good for human health gets flushed out from body through calcium of milk resulting in weaker immune system.

  • High intake or regular intake can result in prostate cancer.

  • The side effects are not seen at the time of consumption , they become visionary in the later phase of life due to continuous improper digestion.

Alternatives instead of cow milk:

There are many alternatives could be consumed in the place of cow milk for the regular development of body and brain.

    8 side effects of cow milk
  •      Green leafy juices: Leaves of several plants like guava leaves, curry leaves, spinach, blackberry leaves, peepal leaves and many more are all anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, analgesics, anti-diabetic  and provide nutrition, also prevent diseases. Their juice can be made tastier by adding lemon containing vitamin-c most important in this COVID-19 phase and jaggery to detox.

  •  Seasonal fruits: The regular fruits available in market are most fulfilling nutrition and vitamin incompleteness in body. Guava, beetroot, apple, papaya, watermelon, custard apple etc are the boxes overloaded with nutrients. Prefer for the fruit juices too.

  •      Coconut milk: The most famous alternative for milk and much tastier then all. Contains vitamins in high amount to overcome many diseases. Recently found out, to consume it in order to grow immune against the pandemic COVID-19.

  • 8 side effects of cow milk
          Black tea or Lemon tea: In India, the most widely consumed beverage is milk tea contains cow milk. This could be replaced by black tea or lemon tea. Black tea contains high level of anti-oxidants which helps in relaxing blood vessels, repairs coronary artery dysfunctions, heals up the intestinal disorders, cure many digestive issues, best for asthmatic patients, prevents breast cancer and innumerable benefits are hidden.  

8 harmful effects of cow milk

Apart from all, the cow milk is used to make several dairy products which humans consume for taste and health. These products are also harmful to human body and needed to be stopped from consumption.

Instead prefer healthy diet for healthy living for present as well as for future too.

Eat healthy stay healthy.


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  1. Wowwww..... amazing information 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😊😊😊😊

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