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Blood clotting related to COVID-19. How?

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Alzheimer’s disease - Causes|Symptoms|Treatment

 Alzheimer’s Disease The human body is just like a machine where each and every organ works according to its orientation and mechanized way. All systems like the respiratory, the digestive, the excretory, the reproductive, etc all works in coordination with one another. Similarly the human brain works. It is one of the most vital organs of body which coordinates all organs, hormones, actions, and metabolism and also guides body for the most desired state. The cells in human brain are immortal and does not undergo division further once formed or matured. Thus, any type of disease affecting these cells is very harmful for whole body functioning. One of those diseases is ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE. What is Alzheimer’s disease? Alzheimer’s disease is a neuro-degenerative progressive disease , which affects the human brain resulting in distortion of memory and leads to large scale harm for mental status. The disease begins slowly and progressively becomes worst, leading to death. Most pr

Cystic Fibrosis - Causes|Symptoms|Treatment

There are a number of diseases out there, some are known while some are still strange to humans. Some of them could be cured, while some still don’t have any curement.  What is Cystic Fibrosis?   Cystic fibrosis is a type of genetic autosomal recessive disorder, which passes on to children from their parents or ancestors. The disease is a type of wild illness, tough to manage.  The disease affects respiratory and digestive tracts at large scale and results in their spoilage with increase in age. With the development of science and medical, a patient suffering from cystic fibrosis can survive for 42-50 years on an average. 

Myths & Facts about Covid-19

Myths & Facts for COVID-19 vaccination After almost a year of COVID-19 virus the vaccines have came to protect humans by developing immunity system to fight against the virus when it will attack. All vaccines provided till now have good efficacy rates and are also very promising to save and prepare whole human community to fight the attack by the virus.

White fungus & COVID-19

Firstly, COVID-19 then MUCORMYCOSIS (black fungal) and now WHITE FUNGUS , don’t know what is happening to the world? With the coming diseases one after another is just building up a horror play stag all over the earth. On one side where a patient is fighting against a severe lethal virus while another organism that is the fungus is like sitting ready to infect the sufferer any how, may it through the black or through the white. Let’s know about it and get alert before one of us gets affected by any of them. What is white fungus? The infection caused by white fungus is called as white fungal infection or known by the name candidiasis in scientific language. The serious fungal infection is caused by the yeast (a common fungal type) called as candida, when any person comes in contact with a certain object which already has the spores of candida fungi and thus, gets infective. The infection mainly causes due to lack of proper sanitation around. What causes white fungus infe

Do and Don’ts for post COVID recovery

As with increase in cases of COVID-19 day by day, there are recovering cases too increasing with a good proportion. These recovering cases’ patients are frighten off, of another type of danger of getting back the COVID-19 infection or could suffer from mucormycosis that is the black fungal disease. Basically the mild cases of COVID-19 get recovered in 2 weeks. While the severe or most serious cases of COVID-19 get recovered in 1 month. The major part of recovery lay in the diet that the patient takes in everyday life. The COVID-19 virus infection triggers for more types of diseases by weakening the immune system of body and also decreases the strength of body so as to fight against the diseases. Therefore, to strengthen immune and build up energy again in the body one should look after their diet plan and also the type of living they are in. In order to be safe from both the infections, one must follow several guidelines which include both the doings and avoiding. Dos for recovery: 1.

10 Tests Important after COVID Recovery

After recovering from the COVID infection, one should not behave irresponsibly as there are cases reporting now and then in post-COVID patients. The different medications and supplements given in hospitals or at home isolation are necessary, similarly the alertness is necessary after recovering or coming back at home.