Stress: An Intrinsic Violence
Thinking of something or should say deep thinking of something leads to Stress. The very common word in today’s lifestyle emerges in human mind just by a minute thought causing a feeling of emotional or physical tension is called as Stress. One could also define it by a particular body reaction for any challenge or demand.
Does a simple stress also have different kinds?
Yes, it has. There is different types of stress, It could be positive when one needed to clear a deadline and take some work as a challenge or in order to avoid some danger. Also, could be negative when caused due to any worries or under pressure. The positive stress leads to a positive result while the negative one leads to certain health issues and could be fatal too.
Major symptoms of stress are
Headache, dizziness, muscular pain, fast heartbeat. It can cause several health issues like: high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, or diabetes, while the Autonomic Nervous System possesses inbuilt stress response which causes physiological changes to allow the body to overcome such situations
How it could be identified if a person is suffering from severe stress?
lot of signs are given by human body to get it understood. Some of them are:
apathy (lack of energy), change in eating habits, sleeping a lot or suffering
of insomnia, usage of drugs or alcohol to get relieved.
Stress leads to Depression.
chronic stress can lead to depression. Depression refers
to the mood disorders or a constant state of sadness. It’s not important
that depression could only be caused by stress. But the chronic mode of stress
results in elevation of hormones in human body such as Cortisol (stress
hormone), reduction in Serotonin, or other Neurotransmitters
including Dopamine are directly linked to depression.
worst impacts of depression are arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular disease,
cancer, diabetes, suicide etc. all of the above problems are fatal. Therefore,
it’s highly unhealthy.
you know?
How to overcome stress and depression?
Or we can say that How to deal with stress?
the stress is needed to be stopped at right time so that the over thinking
doesn’t lasts much. One could stop it by several measures:
Exercising (a routine exercise or yoga).
Writing down
(simply write down the thoughts on a
piece of paper and throw it)
Chew gum (chewing or eating a chocolate gives most
fine results).
Laugh out
loudly (laughing out loudly just anywhere).
Spend time
with the loved ones.
You can also use Stress Ball to make your mind relax.
And get in mind,
the Depression can’t be stopped just at the very moment, hence it’s needed to
lessen it by Grieving (believed to be a most healthy response for any
type of loss), Meditation (a healthy tip to overcome and forget
everything that saddens), or to see a Psychologist at right time.
So Now, What is the difference between Refinement and Stress reduction?
works as a sword to kill stress.
Refinement is a small change in lifestyle to improve the state of
living, fineness and elegance of feeling. Stress can be reduced or stopped
through the above alterations. These small alterations are basically
refinements in ones life. Those small changes could change the way of thinking
and leading the situation in better susceptibility.
Does a healthy lifestyle is beneficial for reduction of depression?
Yes, it’s true. A healthy lifestyle includes
hobbies too, which are way much better to reduce depression. Hobbies like:
cycling, swimming, walking, dancing, gardening, proved to reduce anxiety and
Do drugs could reverse depressive symptoms?
Many Antidepressants are available in market but most of them have high side
effects. Ketamine is the most common drug took to reduce depression. But
they are addictive and hence should not be preferred for healthy living.
common age group suffers is 15-29 and 15-39 years. Out of them students’ group
is majorly suffered. Estimated data of 2016 reveals approximately 230,314
suicides in India. According to WHO (World Health Organization)
around 8 lacs die every year by suicide, that is 1 person in every 40 seconds.
Focusing on the data it’s needed to promote healthy living habits and sharing
feelings instead of living alone with several problems.
It's really good to know the ways of how to deal with it. Thanks
ReplyDeleteMost welcome Mohit Rathore. We feel glad to serve you with such knowledge.